The corner of 24th and Madison in the Central District of Seattle.
Looking across to the vacant area now well established with trees, grasses and bushes which invade the space each summer, what most people generally wonder when seeing it is "I wonder how long it will be before that disappears . . . "
Granted, it is overgrown and full of insidiously murderous blackberry bushes, but it adds to the rich lushness that is Seattle. Condos, no matter how expensive, can never make that claim.
gel pens, 5" x 7"
July 2007
You have a lovely art blog. :)
Gary, incredible art. I remember in grade school in Canaan how you would draw and intrest me to do same. I didn't know what talent lie ahead for you. Kudos and thanks. Dean. (Remember Gertrude with the lips?)
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