Aug 16, 2006

For the Little One

There is one out there who shall remain nameless (Karen). Despite all rumors, she is not, never was, and I can bet a dollar never will be, a telemarketer. Call me psychic.

The Little One turned some ungodly age not too long ago, even though she is the female version of Dorian Gray. (Dory Anne Gray?)

I drew her without her knowledge (which is harder than robbing a bank naked) and presented it to her as a memento of the evening. "I want to see it on your site!" she begged in her soft-spoken way. Of course, it wasn't quite right . . . so I proceeded to 'improve' it which basically turned it into something worthy of burning.

So, Little One, I must rely on the keen images embedded in my mind's eye to re-create that magic and present you with your gift. That's why it ain't here, and why you have a "reserved" status.

Just don't kill me or make me buy any aluminum siding, I implore you.

media: my blood size: more than I have blood for
when: very, very soon. Really.

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