Sep 8, 2006

Crawford Place

"Crawford Place" is commonly known as "the alley behind the Crescent". I sat on an abandoned couch for about 1/2 hour and did the preliminary sketch, then left after being uncategorically glared at by a humorless Seattle policeman who s-l-o-w-l-y drove by me searching for signs of impropriety.

He must have been from the new Stepford Police Academy; vacant stare, robotic movements, emotions reminiscent of a manequin. He didn't even crack his lip gloss when I waved "Hello!" and smiled.

As such, I chose not to include him in my picture.

Colored pencil, 15" x 20" on black matte board.
August, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one is so whimsical. Yet dark. I love it.
